Basket blancher C&C
Atmospheric, Basket, Batch chillers, Blanchers, BY ABC, Food, Fruit, Fruit products, Insects, Meat and fish products, Meat, fish, seafood, Mushrooms, Plants, herbs, PODĽA PRODUKTOV, Semi cooked and ready meals, Vegetable products, Vegetables
Košový blanšér je navrhnutý pre vysoko výkonné blanšírovanie a varenie širokého sortimentu produktov s následným rýchlym ochladzovaním. Prednosťou zariadenia je jeho univerzálnosť so širokou možnosťou využitia.
Blancher batch
All, Atmospheric, Basket, Blanchers, BY ABC, BY INDUSTRY, BY RAW PRODUCTS, Continous cooling, Cooking equipment, Cooling machine, Food, Fruit, Fruit products, Insects, Meat and fish products, Meat, fish, seafood, Mushrooms, Plants, herbs, PODĽA PRODUKTOV, Semi cooked and ready meals, Vegetable products, Vegetables
The blanching process is an alternative way of cooking and sometimes it is the only one way of culinary processing for products which are heat sensitive.