Product Information
Categories: BY ABC, BY RAW PRODUCTS, Confectionery, bakery products, Delicacy, snacks, nutritional supplements, Food, Fruit, Fruit products, Insects, Meat and fish products, Meat, fish, seafood, Mushrooms, Plants, herbs, PODĽA PRODUKTOV, Semi cooked and ready meals, Vacuum, Vegetable products, VegetablesFrying process by using a vacuum (and lower temperature) – is an exclusive and modern way of processing using heat, allowing to gain the unique properties of the finished product. In the NORMIT vacuum frying machine, the product is fryed to a crispy state using temperatures up to 120 °C without acrylamide formation. The product doesnt consist of carcinogenic material so, it is a healthy alternative for most snacks.
We manufacture in our factory in EU vacuum deep fryers from 20 to 350 liters.
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The NORMIT vacuum fryer allows frying the product to a crisp state at temperatures up to 120 ° C without acrylamide formation *. The fried product does not contain carcinogenic substances and is a healthy alternative for most snacks on the market.
The frying chamber is placed in a vacuum cylinder made of high-quality food grade stainless steel. Depending on the application, the frying chamber itself is designed to meet different product specifications. After frying, the product is transferred to the centrifuge zone where the product is freed of excess oil.
The water is removed under vacuum in a small time, in addition when using vacuum, the oil does not enter the loose pores, complete removal of the oil is carried out while maintaining the vacuum, allowing the content of oil in the finished product to be reduced to less percent. It can come to 30%.
Determined by the product and its pre-cooking (blanching, dipping, freezing), the products with different properties can be obtained – more or lesser thick properties (puffed snacks), more crispy or softer with different color intensity and the like.
* Acrylamide is a low molecular weight, highly water-soluble organic compound that arises from the naturally occurring components of asparagine and sugars in certain foods when prepared at temperatures usually above 120 ° C and low humidity. It is mainly produced in baked or fried carbohydrate-rich foods whose raw materials contain its precursors, such as grains, potatoes and coffee beans.
Vacuum Fryer – Processes
1. Frying – with low or high temperature
2. Drying under vacuum
3. Cooking using vacuum
Vacuum deep frying in oil
Frying – frying under vacuum (low temperature) conditions is a unique and modern way of heat treatment, allowing to achieve unique properties of the finished product. The NORMIT vacuum fryer allows frying the product to a crispy state at temperatures up to 120 ° C without acrylamide formation *. The fried product does not contain carcinogenic substances and is a healthy alternative for most snacks on the market.
The water is removed under vacuum conditions in a very short time. In addition, under vacuum conditions, the oil does not penetrate into released pores. The complete removal of the oil is carried out while maintaining the vacuum, allowing the oil content of the finished product to be reduced to a few percent, while the traditional frying at atmospheric pressure can reach an oil content of 30%.
Adjustable frying process specifications:
- Time of frying
- Temperature of frying
- Pressure
Vacuum deep fryer and its advantages:
- Possibility to produce many different products such as fruits (apple, banana), vegetable (sweet potatoes, beet roots, carrots and many others), meat, fish
- Full preservation of useful characteristics of raw materials, vitamin content and minerals. Intensify the organic taste and distinctive smell without adding fabricated ingredients.
- The automated management scheme ensures that you are able to fry separate products in separate modes without having to adjust.
- The oil is not exposed to high temperatures, does not burn, does not ingest odors and colour pigment and can be recycled with no need to change it.
- Highest energy efficiency – without energy losses. In the place in which it is dried, no undesirable odors (smoke) and vapors are produced.
- The vacuum drying machine / deep fryer equipment currently contributes the most modern preserving system. The method of frying and drying under vacuum is absolutely hermetic – free of smoke, oil mist and odor.
Unique vacuum dryer machinery
- The vacuum dryer technology allows to dry virtually any cut products very quickly, utilizes all the advantages of vacuum, combines all the advantages of different drying methods.
- The NORMIT vacuum dryer is free of all these drawbacks. Drying of the products is fast (usually within 60 minutes) without the need (but with the possibility) of pre-freezing.
- No pre-defrosting is required when drying products from the freezer.
- The medium used (oil) evenly heats the water contained in the product from all sides, causing it to evaporate quickly and evenly. Removing the reagent (oil) in the same equipment, leaving the product practically dry.
The design of the NORMIT vacuum fryer consists of the following main parts:
Vacuum deep frying chamber
Oil heating system
Vacuum container for oil storage and cooling
Vacuum oil removal system
Vacuum generation system
Oil filtration and circulation system
Lifting device (optional)
The vacuum fryer is compact, folded on a single frame and requires minimal on-site assembly (transport assembled).
Fast loading – additional baskets (optional) are filled with product during frying of previous batch. Thanks to the split basket, the entire volume of the product is divided by height, there is no pressing of the product and guarantees its even processing. Such a design also makes it possible to process different products simultaneously (with the same processing mode) while maintaining the aroma, taste and color of each product and not mixing with others.
To operate the device, it is necessary to connect to a source of heat energy (electricity / steam or gas), electricity, comp
ressed air and a source of cooling water. Chiller can be included as an option.
Automatic control system
The vacuum frying / drying process is relatively complex in logically performed operations, therefore the NORMIT vacuum fryer / vacuum dryer is equipped with a fully automated control system with various recipes, minimizing operator demands and eliminating human factor errors. All executed processes are displayed in the operator panel (process visualization). New recipes are programmed using an intuitive logic interface.
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