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Blancher rotary drum

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Blanching (French blanchir) is a method of cooking vegetables, fruit or meat. Meat will remain more succulent for further heat treatment. Furthermore, this heat treatment method is used to facilitate easier removal of membranes. For fruit and vegetables, blanching is used to remove the skin on fruits and vegetables that are too stiff or too thick, such as tomatoes, peaches, apricots, and the like.

Due to the short-term exposure to higher temperatures, vitamins, taste and color will be retained in the food, but micro-organisms, which may cause deterioration of food during preservation, will be destroyed. This will preserve higher quality  of food, for example, frozen vegetables will have a fresher color and more pronounced taste.

The rotary blancher NORMIT BD is designed for blanching various types of food, vegetable and fruit, without causing damage to their structure.

he activity principle: The rotary blancher is determined for blanching of vegetables, fruits, leguminous plants, pasta products, before conservation and freezing.

The blanching process is an alternative way of cooking and sometimes it is the only one way of culinary processing for products which are heat sensitive.

A short processing by steam or warm water enables to clean a product from microbes and moulds after that it becomes safe for a consumer.


  • Potato
  • Paste
  • Blanser bubnovyRice
  • Dry beans
  • Green beans
  • Sweet corn
  • Peas
  • Spinach
  • Brocolli
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Animal feed
  • Vegetables and fruit

It is used for:

Softening process – blanched products need shorter time for final preparation.

Enzymes deactivation – it reduces or interrupts enzymes action which can damage the product colour, taste and smell. Some products obtain light colouration during the blanching process.

Partial air removal from product aids to increase the durability after additional conservation and freezing and it also minimizes the product volume. Partial water removal helps with the additional product freezing at assembly lines IQF of fruits, vegetables, leguminous and plants.

Princíp činnosti:

The rotating blanching machine was designed for blanching of vegetable, fruit, legumes, pasta, prior to conserving or freezing. The blanching process is an alternative way of cooking and sometimes it is the only one way of culinary processing for products which are heat sensitive.

A short processing by steam or warm water enables to clean a product from microbes and moulds after that it becomes safe for a consumer.

The rotary drum blancher NORMIT BD is determined for steam and water blanching of vegetables, fruits and leguminous plants in continual mode with high performance.


The Construction The blancher consists of a horizontal, cylindrical, heat insulated chamber which is assembled on the entire frame. The construction ensures safety and stability all the plant, also for large sizes.


In basic version, the blancher NORMIT BD enables to carry out the steam or water blanching process therefore it can process a wide range of products.

The high-quality product

Blanching process is performed by continual product rolling and stirring inside the working chamber which guarantees stability of heat-treating all the sides.

The time of blanching process depends on the speed of a product movement through working chamber. It is adjusted by the change of drum tilt angle and its rotary speed. The exact adjustment of parameters enables to achieve the exact time adjustment of blanching process to avoid overcooking the product. The product is stable dosed into blanching chamber by dosing conveyor. The product is unloaded by special unit without dead zones. For fast cooling after blanching process, the product is dosed into drum or conveyor cooling device. Depending on the type of product, the cooling process can be performed by ice water or air.


The advantages

Universality. A plant can be used for steam and water blanching. The time of blanching process varies according to change of drum tilt angle and its rotary speed which enables to vary the time of blanching process approximately 10-15 times.
It can be used for freezing raw materials.
Reliability – the rotary blancher NORMIT BD is determined for intensive long-lasting operation. The plant is produced in our manufactures by using high-quality European materials and components.
Good manufacturing features. The radial construction reduces the possibility of shaft damage.
Easy maintenance and access to internal surfaces.
Low level of vibration and noise.
Possible additional section of preliminary thawing for using IQF raw materials.

Blanching unique culinary technology







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