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Honey homogenizing and creaming line

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This technology line has a versatile high-performance system and, thanks to its modular design and wide range of options, can be used to produce cream honey in large and small quantities regardless of the quality of the input product.

Creamed honey is becoming increasingly popular due to its indisputable advantages:

  • It does not leak,
  • It does not solidify
  • It has an excellent taste
  • It’s smooth
  • It has retained all biologically active substances
  • It will last for several years in unchanged quality and consistency

Oilseed rape (lat. Brassica napus napus) is very widespread in Slovakia. This plant is grown for its oil seeds mainly used for oil production. Rape is an important bee-loving plant.

Depending on the locality, beekeepers are making either single-type rapeseed honey or mixed honey eg. from fruit trees, dandelions or oilseed rape. Rapeseed honey or mixed honey with a predominance of rapeseed crystallizes very quickly.

Crystallization is a natural property of honey, the rate of crystallization depends on the proportion of fruit and grape sugar in the honey. Honey, which contains a high proportion of fruit sugar – glucose, crystallizes more quickly than honey with a higher proportion of fruit sugar – fructose.

Creaming honey is a controlled crystallization of honey. This type of honey is also called cream honey, because its consistency resembles cream. The creamy consistency is achieved by avoiding the formation of large interconnected honey crystals, the crystals being fine and unconnected.

With the NORMIT Honey Homogenization and Creaming Line, you can achieve high-quality cream honey in just a few hours. The honey preserves all its valuable substances, is smooth, easily spreadable, easy to scoop, does not leak or drip and does not change its properties when stored.

TurboMelter melts large crystals of honey, mixes honey and improves its structure and consistency, preparing it for further homogenization.

The equipment consists of a hopper, a heating system and a twin-screw mixer. Depending on the required power, the TurboMelter can be manufactured for batch or continuous processing.

The TurboMelter industrial honey melting system can be equipped with an optional recirculation loop, liquid honey filter system or pumps and pipelines for honey transport for packaging or further processing.

A honey homogenizer is used to mix and homogenize different types of honey to obtain a finished product with homogeneous properties. A special screw stirrer allows to achieve an optimum level of product homogenization. The cooling jacket is located over the entire surface of the cylindrical part of the homogenizer.

The honey creamer enables the production of creamy honey on an industrial scale by significantly reducing crystallization time. This model is equipped with a vacuum system, which allows to reduce the time of preparation of cream honey to 3.5–4 hours (crystallization only, without pre-treatment).

The creaming machine effectively removes air bubbles from the honey, which facilitates crystal formation in the required size and significantly increases the shelf life of the creamed honey.

Vacuum system eliminates the formation of air bubbles, foam while mixing and significantly shortens the time of creaming honey.


  • quality creamed honey in just a few hours

  • faster processing compared to conventional equipment

  • without foam formation, uniform crystallization

  • possibility of controlled crystallization

  • possibility of adding various components to honey (eg strawberries, dry ingredients etc.)

Tensometric filler for packing the finished product into industrial containers by weight is designed for high performance semi-automatic honey packaging in large volumes.

The filler consists of a platform with a tensometric system (for weight measurement), loading cylinders, a dosing system consisting of a circulation pump, a peristatic pump or a piston pump, a pipe, valves and a control system.

The honey is packed evenly and maintained in a liquid state by continuously circulating the honey through a collection or processing vessel (homogenizer, dryer, etc.) and piping. A honey filtration system can be installed in the pipeline.


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